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时间 2013-12-29 16:15:06

主旨发言(1):双语迷思: 两岸三地语文认知研究的启示

陈 烜 之

香 港 中 文 大 学

全球化是当今世上的重大趋势, 因此世界上有越来越多人有学习和使用一种以上语文的经验。由于使用英文为母语的国家长期在科技、政治、经济、军事力量等方面处于优势地位,所以英文也理所当然的成为世界性的通用语文。为了配合全球化的潮流,以及提升自我竞争力,如何优化英文或双语学习是近年来各地华人注意和关心的焦点。然而长久以来,两岸三地的教育主管机构对相关问题的看法并不相同,因此各地的学校在双语教学的做法上也大相庭径。在这次的报告中,本人将报告针对相关问题于两岸三地所进行之语文认知实验,并讨论这方面研究的结果为双语教学问题所提供的启示。


陈烜之教授 (Professor HsuanChih Chen1982年获美国Kansas大学认知心理学博士学位,现为香港中文大学心理学系讲座教授、认知与脑研究中心主任。陈烜之教授长期致力于心理学研究,曾编撰12本心理学方面的专著以及发表逾百篇人类记忆与认知方面的研究报告,担任数本国际及地区性学术期刊主编和编辑委员,以及亚、澳、欧、美等多个国家和地区之学术机构、期刊及研究基金评审。曾获美国Kansas大学“博士论文研究奖”,NIMH“博士后研究奖”,国际阅读学会“阅读研究奖”,香港研究资助局“卓越研究奖”,东南亚大学协会“特约讲座奖”等奖项。研究兴趣:人类认知、中文语言加工处理、双语研究、语言心理学、人因心理学及人与电脑的互动。

主旨发言2):(How) is Chinese special? Unique features of the Chinese orthography and implications for early literacy development

Catherine McBride

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Given that most of the research to date on how children learn to read has been on alphabetic orthographies, it is important to consider how children learn to read Chinese and whether this process is in some ways different from how children learn to read alphabetic languages. In this talk, I will highlight four ways in which learning to read Chinese is fundamentally different from learning to read an alphabetic orthography with development. These are the unit of reading (word vs. character), the role of radicals, the importance and types of morphological skills for learning to read, and how visual skills interact with learning to read. These four aspects are important for understanding theoretical models of word reading and the extent to which such models hold up universally. These aspects are also practically important as educators consider best practices for teaching children to read in Chinese. 


Professor Catherine McBride received her BA in Psychology from Oberlin College. She received her MA in 1992 and PhD in 1994 from the University of Southern California, and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Florida State University. She is currently a professor in developmental psychology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Professor McBride has published on a variety of topics in developmental psychology, including parenting, child abuse, peer relations, creativity, as well as reading development and impairment. The author of approximately 135 peer-reviewed journal articles, she has also co-edited one book (2003, Praeger) entitled Reading Development in Chinese Children and written a book entitled Children’s Literacy Development (2004, Oxford University Press). McBride is an Associate Editor of Developmental Psychology and Reading and Writing (having previously served as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Research in Reading) and currently serves on the editorial boards of the additional journals of Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, the Scientific Studies of Reading, Annals of Dyslexia, and the Journal of Educational Psychology. She is also a Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science and Incoming President of the Scientific Studies of Reading. Research Interests: Social and cognitive development; language and reading development; parenting and psychosocial outcomes.





汉语语言评估系统(Mandarin-Chinese Language Assessment) 由美国Smith College 心理学系Jill de Villiers, 天津师范大学语言研究所宁春岩,美国Bethel Hearing and Speaking Training Center Lucy Liu等人及其团队研发,现已完成了设计、预实验和试用(tryout)阶段任务,计划201312月前完成标准化(standardization)成型,投入使用。现将该语言评估系统的研发背景、设计思想、系统特点、检测项目以及预实验和试用总体情况做简要报告。


宁春岩教授(Professor Chunyan Ning,男,哈尔滨人,19426月生,1987年美国康乃尔大学语言学系获硕士学位,1993年美国加洲大学尔弯分校语言学系获博士学位,现任天津师范大学语言研究所教授、所长。主要研究方向为形式语言学、生物语言学、句法学、神经语言学、语言障碍。承担项目包括:国家“七五”自然科学基金项目“HT英汉机器翻译系统”(合作),教育部“八五”社科基金重点项目“语言学方法论”(合作);教育部“九五”社科基金重点项目“英语远程教育计算机系统”(主持);国家“十五”社科基金一般项目“形式语言学研究”(主持);国家“十一五”社科基金重点项目“儿童语言(普通话)能力检测量表”(主持)。在国内外先后发表学术论文45篇。1984年获美国富布莱特奖学金;1992年获美国Mellon奖学金;1998年、2000年、2003年分别荣获广东省社科科研优秀成果二等奖、广东省优秀教师、教育部社科优秀成果奖。


主旨发言(4):Coexistence of Chinese and English in one mind: effort or power?

Guillaume Thierry

School of Psychology, Bangor University

In this presentation I will explain how electrical activity recorded from the human scalp sheds light onto the cognitive mechanisms underlying bilingual processing and conceptual variations introduced by different languages. I will provide evidence for language non-selective lexical access in Chinese-English bilinguals during comprehension and production and I will present evidence for modulation of such access by the emotional valence of words. Pulling these examples together, I will suggest that event-related brain potentials are probably the best method available to date to investigate unconscious high-level mental operations.


Professor Guillaume Thierry uses experimental psychology and event-related brain potentials (ERPs) to study language comprehension in the auditory and visual modalities, and, in particular, semantic access. In the past seven years, Guillaume Thierry has investigated a range of themes, such as verbal/non-verbal dissociations, visual object recognition, colour perception, functional cerebral asymmetry, language-emotion interactions, language development, developmental dyslexia and bilingualism. Prof. Thierry’s current mains projects funded by European Research Council focus on the (a) levels of integration of the two languages of bilingual infants and adults at lexical, syntactic, and semantic levels, studied using behavioural measurements, ERPs, functional neuroimaging and eye-tracking; (b) the mechanisms of semantic priming in both the verbal and nonverbal domains in the infant and the adult using ERPs and functional neuroimaging. Prof. Thierry’s core interest lies in the field of neurosemantics, i.e., how the human brain crystallises knowledge and builds up a representation of the world around it.